all postcodes in ML6 / AIRDRIE

find any address or company within the ML6 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML6 7AA 27 0 55.866472 -3.960446
ML6 7AB 11 0 55.866823 -3.960682
ML6 7AE 17 1 55.867841 -3.953749
ML6 7AG 18 4 55.867495 -3.953444
ML6 7AH 28 0 55.867222 -3.952535
ML6 7AJ 30 0 55.867056 -3.954477
ML6 7AL 4 0 55.866823 -3.953362
ML6 7AN 10 0 55.866551 -3.95573
ML6 7AP 28 0 55.866741 -3.952303
ML6 7AQ 7 0 55.867612 -3.950387
ML6 7AR 9 1 55.869017 -3.950963
ML6 7AS 7 0 55.868548 -3.949981
ML6 7AT 30 0 55.869583 -3.949889
ML6 7AU 18 0 55.869574 -3.947619
ML6 7AW 45 0 55.866383 -3.955034
ML6 7AX 27 0 55.870478 -3.94784
ML6 7AY 8 6 55.870672 -3.946379
ML6 7AZ 12 2 55.870733 -3.94651
ML6 7BA 33 2 55.867731 -3.956141
ML6 7BB 16 0 55.867763 -3.96033